
ホームくらし・手続き地域活動佐土原宮崎市佐土原町出身の偉人 根井 三郎

宮崎市佐土原町出身の偉人 根井 三郎

佐土原町出身の偉人  根井  三郎

A great person from Sadowara Town, Miyazaki City NEI Saburo

根井三郎(1902~1992)(写真 根井三郎を顕彰する会提供)














During World War II, the story of SUGIHARA Chiune, Vice-consul of the Japanese Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania, who issued transit visas for many Jewish refugees is well known, and was even made into a movie in Japan.

In recent years, while further research into the rescue of Jewish refugees has drawn attention to the selfless and humanitarian acts of NEI Saburo, from Miyazaki City, who served as Acting Consul General of the Japanese Consulate General in Vladivostok, Russia during World War II.

 NEI received a telegram from Japan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) saying that "Transit visas issued by SUGIHARA should not be accepted. Check the visas carefully and send the refugees back to Moscow immediately." To this he replied,  "I am displeased " and on his own initiative helped put the Jewish refugees on ships in Vladivostok bound for Japan (Tsuruga city, Fukui Prefecture,Japan).

 In addition, it was discovered in April 2020 that his visa (transit visa #21), issued by NEI for visa-less Jewish refugees on his own initiative,  is  being  preserved by their grandchildren living in the U.S.


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If you have any information about NEI Saburo, please contact us at the following address.
