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HOMEDaily life(暮らし)The revision of water and sewage fees

The revision of water and sewage fees

The revision of water and sewage fees

A proposal concerning the revision of water and sewage fees was submitted to the City Council in June 2024 and passed as originally drafted. Here is an overview of the proposal and the revised fee table.

[1] Average revision fee

Water Usage Fee:9.00%

Sewage Usage Fee:19.71%

Aggregate revision fee:13.50%

The "average revision fee" refers to the fee that shows how much the total amount of expected revenue during the billing period will increase or decrease compared to before and after the revision.

The fee list is adjusted in 1 yen increments for each unit so that the total amount of revenue can be secured based on this average revision fee, so it does not necessarily mean that the average revision fee will be the same for all water usage amounts.

[2] Date of fee revision

Starting from April 2025 meter readings

*Since regular meter readings are conducted once every two months and the timing of meter readings (even-numbered months and odd-numbered months) differ by area, the new fees will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for rates that extend beyond the effective date (April 1, 2025) so that there will be no difference in the timing of application of the new fees depending on the timing of the meter reading.

[3] Other changes

The unit price of charges will be changed from 10 yen units to 1 yen units.


 Please check the flyers for more information on the following.

 Water Fees (for one month's use, excluding tax, excerpt)

 Sewage Fees(1 month's usage, excluding tax, excerpt)

 How to Calculate the Fee (New Fee)

 How to calculate the daily rate for fees that span the effective date

 Old and new fee comparison table (13mm diameter, one month use, tax included)


Reference: Homepage > Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau > Fee Revisions > Summary of Water and Sewage Fee Revisions Starting April 2025


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