1 Health checkup
(1) Infant health checkup (free)
We provide free health checkups three times for infants aged three to four months, seven to eight months, and one year who are registered as residents in Miyazaki City.
The health checkups include height and weight measurements and doctor examination.
The “Tsugumi Set” that is issued with the Parent and Child Health Handbook includes three consultation slips. You should take your consultation slip and go to a pediatrics department in the specified months.
・3-4 months Checkup Questionnaire (English Only)
・7-8 months Checkup Questionnaire (English Only)
・1 year (12 months) Checkup Questionnaire (English Only)
(Inquiries) ※Japanese only
Child Development and Support Agency Children and Families Support Division TEL : 0985-40-1436 E-mail :[email protected] |
(2) Health checkups for infants aged one year and six months (free group checkup)
This is an important opportunity to check the growth of your child. The schedule and venue shall be notified individually by mail.
Target: Children aged one year and six months to less than two years who are registered as residents in Miyazaki City
- Dentist examination
- Body measurement
- Medical interview by public health nurse
- Consultation with dietitian/psychological counselor about your concerns.
*A doctor's examination will be an individual health examination at a pediatrics office.
(3) Health checkup for children aged three years and six months (free group checkup)
This is an important opportunity to check the growth of your child. The schedule and venue shall be notified individually by mail.
Target: Children aged three years and six months to less than four years who are registered as residents in Miyazaki City
- Doctor examination
- Dentist examination
- Body measurement
- Urine check
- Audiovisual test
- Medical interview by public health nurse
- Consultation with dietitian/psychological counselor about your concerns.
2 Vaccinations
We carry out vaccination to protect children from potentially infectious diseases.
There are “routine vaccinations” provided free of charge and “voluntary vaccinations” subsidized for expenses. Consult your pediatrician about the number and timing of vaccinations.
Please refer to the following for vaccination instructions.
[Routine Vaccination] (English Only)
1. Hib Vaccine 2. Pneumococcal Vaccines 3. Hepatitis B Vaccine
4. DPT-IPV Vaccine (Combination of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Inactive Polio vaccine)
5. BCG Vaccine (Tuberculosis) 6. Measles & Rubella Vaccine (MR)
7. Chickenpox Vaccine (Varicella) 8. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
9. HPV Vaccine (Human papillomavirus) 10. Rotavirus Vaccine
[Vaccination Screening Questionnaire] (English Only)
・Vaccination Screening Questionnaire for Routine Vaccines
・Vaccination Screening Questionnaire for Voluntary Vaccines
(Mumps Vaccine / DPT Vaccine (Combination of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus vaccine))
・Rotavirus Vaccine Vaccination Screening Questionnaire
・HPV Vaccine (Human papillomavirus) Vaccination Screening Questionnaire
3 Medical expense subsidies
We will subsidize medical expenses incurred when a child goes to a medical institution using health insurance and expenses for making an assistive device, such as treatment glasses, etc.
To receive a medical expense subsidy, first apply for a “Certificate of Eligibility for Children's Medical Expense Subsidy.”
(1) Subsidy target
Children aged less than one year to 9th grade pupils (until the first March 31 after reaching the age of 15) who meet all of the following conditions:
- Registered as a resident in Miyazaki City.
- Enrolled in a health insurance system.
- Not covered by the Public Assistance Act.
- Does not receive a full medical expense subsidy under other system.
- Does not receive Medical Expense Subsidy for Single-parent Families or Medical Expense Subsidy for Persons with Severe Physical and Mental Disabilities. (For elementary and junior high school students only)
(2) Details of subsidy and how to receive a subsidy payment
Miyazaki City will subsidize the out-of-pocket expenses of outpatient/inpatient medical expenses and assistive device expenses covered by a health insurance system.
[1] How to receive a subsidy payment (for outpatient/inpatient medical expenses)
Show your child’s Health Insurance Card and the Certificate of Eligibility for Children's Medical Expense Subsidy at the counter. You need not pay money, except:
A. When an elementary or junior high school student visits a medical institution for the first time in a month
A monthly fee of up to 200 yen is required for each medical institution.
B. When visiting a medical institution outside the prefecture
Show your child’s Health Insurance Card at the counter and pay the medical expenses. After that, you should apply for the medical expense subsidy to the Parent and Child Health Section or other handling counter with the original receipt issued by the medical institution and copy of the bank book under the name of the guardian attached.
C. Expenses not covered by the health insurance system, such as meal fee during hospitalization, differential room charge, health checkup fee, etc.
[2] How to receive a subsidy payment (for assistive device expenses)
After paying your expenses for the assistive device, you can apply for a subsidy or refund. The subsidy will be paid to your registered the guardian's bank account. Please note that you should get a refund from your health insurance system before applying for a child medical expense subsidy.
[Items required to apply for a medical expense subsidy for an assistive device]
- Certificate of Eligibility for Children's Medical Expense Subsidy
- Receipt (* Copy is acceptable)
- Instructions for making the assistive device (* Copy is acceptable)
- Notification of payment from your enrolled health insurance system
Bank book under the name of the guardian
[3] How to apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for Children's Medical Expense Subsidy
Bring the following items to the counter:
A. The original of your child’s Health Insurance Card
B. Original identity verification document of the applicant (guardian)
*An identify verification document that includes a face photo issued by a public office such as an Individual Number Card or driver's license
Application counter
Parent and Child Health Division (Health Center 4th Floor) or each General Branch Office
(Inquiries) ※Japanese only
Child Development and Support Agency Parent and Child Health Division TEL : 0985-73-8200 [email protected] |